In New Design Studio, we do hot-desking, about which you can learn more about from this link. If you do not have time to read everything on the link, the basic rules are:

No one owns a desk

No desk belongs to anyone. There's no my desk or your desk. We have five height adjustable desks and two long bar tables by the window and a large meeting table. Any of those can be used by anyone.

First come first served

The desk belongs to the person who comes to the studio in the morning in until she or he leaves. Much like a shared space in WeWork but without the payment. Clean your desk if you leave for something else. You can keep your stuff on the desk if you are coming back in a couple of hours and/or if you're staying in the studio more than 60% of your time that day.

Be generous & reciprocate

If you that you will stay for a short time, or will only read a book (instead of e.g., writing a report) use more flexible desks (by the window or the large table) so that those who will stay for long can take the height-adjustable desks. Your mates will reciprocate!

Clean your desk before you go home

Clean your desk when you go home so that anyone who comes early in the morning the next day can use the desk. Put your stuff in the locker. If you don't have a locker talk to the lab lead or the professor.


You can leave your stuff if you are leaving late and you're sure that you'll be the first one to come to the lab the next day.


The lab is a space where we work together, and we will have lab meetings there, but meetings with your classmates should happen elsewhere in principle. Of course, you can try if there's nobody but please do not bring your class meetings to the studio every single time which may bother others when they focus on what they do. Try to use other places – e.g., TD Room.